Rogue Trader Rhino APC
Printing and painting an original Rogue Trader era Rhino. From filament to battlefield.
Iron Warriors Oldhammer Project – Lots of Images
This is all old stuff. I started to play tabeltop with Battletech in the early 90’s. When I came across the first Warhammer 40K edition – Rogue Trader, I was all in. The first four miniatures I had bought where 4 Eldar Fire Dragons, which I painted like my first Battletech miniatures with Revell enamel paint from my other hobby – plastic airplane kits. Though started with Eldar it went Space Marines and then Imperial Army next. With Chaos Space Marines being the last games I played somewhere in the early 2000s, pausing my Warhammer 40K hobby with end of the 3rd edition. It was not until in 2021, when…
Iron Warriors Havoc with Heavy Bolter
This miniature from my collection has been bought by me in the late 90’s. It had served in my Night Lords chaos army and was then hidden at least twenty years in a Citadel miniature case. Designed by Aly Morrison and released from Games Workshop in their 1997 catalogue, this small miniature comes with some serious weight. Like many of the second edition miniatures it is cast from metal and comes as a four pieces kit, that needed assembly. As part of my #oldhammer40k project, I was all in to give this guy a new paintshop in the livery of Iron Warriors – the chapter I have chosen for my…
Chaos Terminator Reborn
Changing colors. The more I digged into the Horus Heresy and Warhammer 30k miniature wargaming, the more the Iron Warriors paint scheme grew on me. I had played chaos space marines, when I started the hobby and I had painted them in midnight clad. The Iron Warrior pictures from the old codex did not really appeal to me and I found their scheme being mainly metallic and the distinctive yellow-black stripes more on the boring side. Now, nearly 30 years later, I decided to repaint my old metal miniatures and I choose the Iron Warriors paint scheme, much the opposite of what I liked 30 years ago. It had grown…